HamPoll: Hamilton's Polling Organization, a student group at Hamilton College, uses online surveys to provide accurate and useful information about the preferences and opinions of the Hamilton community.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hamilton Students Voice Opinions, Appreciate EMTs

By Michael Gregg, Yoshihiko Kubota, and Xiyue Li

278 students took a HamPoll survey evaluating campus facilities between the dates of April 9th and April 12th, 2008. 59% were female, 41% male, and the sample comprised 62 freshmen, 84 sophomores, 54 juniors and 78 seniors. As a student at Hamilton one gradually gets a feel for how students perceive the campus facilities, and many of the survey’s response trends confirm these word-of-mouth perceptions. Even so, the statistics might surprise you.

Almost one quarter of students expressed dissatisfaction with the medical care and advice at the Health Center, and more than 3 out of every 5 students felt the Health Center needs to stay open longer hours. Campus Safety found overwhelming support; 90% of students expressed satisfaction with their response time to emergencies. Students also love their EMTs, with two thirds of respondents voicing satisfaction and the other third having no experience with the EMT service.

The mail center has mostly pleased students, though one third of respondents preferred the old, card-based package notification system. A full quarter of Light Side students expressed dissatisfaction with the timeliness of snow plowing in the winter. While this in itself is unfortunate, it pales in comparison to the three quarters of Dark Siders similarly dissatisfied. Perhaps the strategy employed in plowing the Dark Side needs to be rethought.

On the bright side, over 90% of respondents reported that their dorms were pleasantly clean. In fact, the question concerning satisfaction with the cleaning job in one’s dorm showed the heaviest skew towards the “very satisfied” answer; make sure you take a moment to thank your janitors for the good work they do.

Of those who have used the Writing Center, around 4 of every 5 students feel their writing has improved from its services. Though only around a half of students have taken advantage of the Career Center’s resources (resume/cover letter help, career choice guidance), most of those who have value their time there. Most students have never been to the Oral Communication Lab or Quantitative Literacy Center, and the rest visit these facilities only rarely. Of the few who have gone, slightly more expressed dissatisfaction than satisfaction.

Despite all of the complaining your friends may do, students tended to express satisfaction with Bon Appétit’s service. 50% were satisfied, 18% dissatisfied, and the rest neutral.

The Continental
The Daily Bull
The Duel Observer
The Spectator

Finally, when asked to express satisfaction with campus publications and media, students confirmed previous trends by preferring The Duel Observer, HamPoll and The Spectator to The Continental and The Daily Bull. For each publication, the remaining percentage expressed neutrality.

Here are some responses to the prompt for comments:
  • The EMTs are a great group of individuals who do a great deal for this campus.
  • My thesis sucks.
  • Thank you Dale the Custodian!!!
  • The EMTs should get paid or some other form of compensation. Its [sic] ridiculous that they get little to no recognition for all that they do.
  • Please plow Bundy next winter, thanks.